
Ceri the Inventor

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The sky above Felarya began to fade into darkness. The arboreal frogs croaked loudly, replacing the daytime buzz of Boom bees. Evening was falling. Evening was Ceri's favorite time of day. In the middle of her small clearing, the Redback dridder eagerly stacked the branches she had gathered from the jungle floor that day, frequently checking the sky to see the pretty sunset.
Her new hat, bound with webbing to prevent its falling apart again, shaded her eyes while she worked, which was a pleasant side-effect of wearing it. She had only made it on impulse, but she really enjoyed having something all her own. She grabbed a couple of flint rocks and began clicking them together. She had done it so many times before that it was only a practiced motion to ignite the kindling.
Ceri had always loved fire. There was something about it that enticed her. The way it turned objects black or grey or into liquid or into dust, the bold, ever-changing plume of grey that came from it, the warmth that couldn't be found anywhere was all ecstacy to her. She leaned in towards her daily creation, seeing past the smoke to view the tiny-looking ball of flame in the sky descend into her own flare on the ground, as though it were returning to the world it came from...
Then a spark hit her cheek.
"Eek!" she screamed as she wiped it away, jumping back in amazement. She had never actually been hit by one before. She didn't know that her beautiful fire could attack without being touched. But it did make her think. "That was really close to my eye..." she murmured, tapping the slightly delicate spot where the spark had struck her, "...maybe I won't be so lucky next time...but I don't want to give up my fire..."
She noticed that her hat had slid forward when she jumped back. It probably would have fallen off had it not been kept around her neck by a vine threaded through it. It gave her an idea. "If I made this..." she thought aloud, "...maybe I can make other things..."
She finished watching the blaze from afar, then scuttled back to her nearby cave to sleep for the night.

The next morning, Ceri paced the floor, walls, and ceiling of her cave absentmindedly, focused on trying to find a way to shield her eyes. She thought over all of the things she had learned from humans while spying on them. After all, the inspiration for her hat came from one. Out of her assorted memories, two in particular stood out as useful to her. One was of a human wiping off this strange item he pushed onto his face, complaining that his "glasses" kept getting dirty. The other was a trivia-spouting human saying that "glass" is actually melted sand. So, if glasses were a barrier over the eyes, and glass was made of melted sand...she had to melt sand twice?
Not wanting to waste any more time in one place, Ceri dropped to the floor and reached for a rock she was planning to carry the sand on when she froze. What if one flat rock didn't carry enough? There wasn't enough time to scuttle back and forth from the beach...
She grabbed a rather sharp rock that had been whittled into a virtual knife by use as flint, and hurried outside. She knew what she was going to do.
A little while (and a lot of scared Duikers) later, Ceri stood at the beach by the mysterious temple. The temple itself looked interesting, too, but for now she focused on the task at hand. She held up the fruit she had hollowed out (and eaten) along the way. It was firm enough to be gripped tightly, so it would easily hold sand. Pleased with her improvisation, Ceri scooped up as large a sample as she could, saw something sparkling in the distance, and stole some mermaid's human bait without even realizing what it was before heading home. Once there, she casually placed both the looted crystals and her knife-rock on the ground before focusing on her sand. She had to figure out how to melt it.
Now the ball was in her court. Without hesitation, she began gathering more firemaking materials, keeping a stone with a totally flat surface she had chiseled to cook with near the pit in her cave. She always found that fire was hotter in smaller areas, and she was trying to melt something, so hot was good. She poured out the sand onto the slab of rock and reached for her flint stones...
Then she spotted a crevice in the cave wall. A small bulge inwards in the rock which could fit the kindling in nicely. Smaller areas burned hotter...
If she had never melted in her cave, how could she expect sand to? Her mind made up, Ceri moved all of her firemaking material into the crevice, secured the slab of rock above it, and sparked it up. It was definately hot.
In fact, it was too hot. How was she supposed to take the glass out!? Ceri began to panic. "What do I do, what do I do?" she asked herself frantically, scuttling over the walls, "I'm out of things, nothing holds hot, I-"
She stopped cold on the ceiling and looked "up". The floor was down there. She looked at her feet. They were a spider's. She felt her hat. It was held together by spider web.
Ceri had completely forgotten that she was a dridder.
Trying to act dignified, though failing to even convince herself, she calmly skittered back down to the ground and began weaving herself a pair of thick gloves, keeping a close eye on the makeshift blast-furnace. Once they were finished, she looked them over to make sure there were no openings through which she could burn herself, then carefully removed the rock slab. On it was something gooey and red. Success...?
Ceri remembered that the "glasses" she had seen were circular and snatched her knife-rock from the floor to manipulate the glass. She didn't know how thick it had to be, so she made it as thick as she could before tracing out two circles and separating them from the rest of the substance. They stood alone and didn't seem to have any structural problems, so Ceri decided to be pleased with herself and snuff out the furnace blaze with her webbing.
Next she needed a frame. The type that human had looked very frail and tricky to make, so Ceri decided to make something structurally identical to goggles, but called them glasses because she didn't know any better. She then set off to obtain a good enough block of wood to work with while she waited for the glass to cool.
Another unspecified amount of time later (though by the time she returned home it was almost evening again), Ceri was putting the finishing touches on her goggles. She lovingly etched her own name into the space between her eyes, slipped the lenses into place with focused precision, and threaded a vine through the ends to keep it on her face.
She sat just a little bit closer to that night's fire than ever before, just because she knew it was safe. Then she moved back again, because her hat almost caught on fire.
Ta-dah! I told you she'd do more. I had actually planned all of these goodies separately, but I like that I was able to put it all into a plotline.
I've also decided where in :iconkarbo:'s wide world of Felarya Ceri resides. She's to the northwest of the dimensional gate near Ur-Sagol ruins.
Believe it or not, I still have cooler inventions in mind for her. Look to the future!

Note: I'm aware that sand actually has a melting point of around 1,500 degrees, but for those of you who have difficulty suspending your belief for stories about a 78-foot half-spider girl, here's my best explanation:
The sand on the beach Ceri visited actually contains a very high amount of glucose, possibly a remnant of some plant life that once lived on it. When glucose is combusted, it releases a great deal of heat energy, as well as particles of H2O (water), which would prevent the air in Ceri's cave from drying out too much.
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MetalNazo's avatar
WOW! Ceri could make a living as an Inventor. great job on this story pal:D